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24/3 Johor Sultan's Birthday we are open.
24/3/2024 (Monday) Deliver as usual Open halfday (Buka Setengah Hari 半天)
Lee Hin Holiday Notice for Hari Raya 2025 开斋节休假通告
March - April 2025
Sunday Off16/3
Sunday Off23/3
Deliver as Usual Shop open halfday24/3
Last Receive Order25/3
Last Delivery29/3
Sunday Off30/3
Cuti Hari Raya 休假31/3
Cuti Hari Raya 休假1/4
Cuti Hari Raya 休假2/4
Cuti Hari Raya 休假3/4
Cuti Hari Raya 休假4/4
Cuti Hari Raya 休假5/4
Sunday Off6/4
Reopen Buka balik 开店7/4
Delivery Delayed8/4
Delivery Delayed9/4
Delivery Delayed10/4
Delivery Delayed11/4
Delivery Delayed12/4
➡️ Last day of receiving order for delivery is Tuesday 25/3 最后订单. Subject to delivery schedule.
➡️ Last delivery and Whatsapp respond day is Saturday 29/3 最后一天送货.
➡️ Closed from 30/3 (Sunday Ahad) till 6/4 (Sunday Ahad) 关店.
➡️ Reopen on 7/4 Monday Isnin 星期一开店.
➡️ Possible delay in delivery time till 12/4 开店的一星期内送货可能延误.
➡️ Due to limited capacity of our lorries and supply chain, we strongly suggest customer who wants to stock up for Hari Raya spread their stock up order over 2-3 weeks (starting 16/3 or earlier). In the last week of delivery some items might run out of stock, or our lorry might not fit all the orders resulting in some items or even whole order not sent. In these situations we are unable to resend them before the holiday.
General Info
➡️ Address:
Jalan Bistari 2, Taman
Industri Jaya, 81300, Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia.
MapWaze ➡️ Opening hour: Monday-Friday 8am-5:00pm, Saturday
8am-1pm, Sunday off.
➡️Whatsapp number: +6012-5355537
➡️Business Registration Number (BRN): 199401042485 (328173-V)
➡️TIN number: C5886430100
For New Customer
➡️ Please send us your SSM to
to register an account. Note that if you wish to apply for credit term then SSM with
address Sample 1Sample
2 is required.
➡️ Customer who require delivery service please also check if you are within our
Delivery coverage map
About Ordering
➡️ Place your order (minimum rm600 for delivery) and select
to send us the order.
➡️ For all locations, we can only deliver at most once per week, please
order at least one day
delivery. Exact date of delivery varies and affected by our schedule and other
➡️ Orders placed after 9:00am will not be included in delivery schedule
➡️ Please try to place your order all at once for the week. Any
order after the first may or may not be processed.
➡️About repack request:
‣Depends on the effort and cost required we might not accept such
‣Sometimes extra charge is applicable.
About Delivery
➡️ Our delivery service covers the Southern Johor area. Click for Delivery
coverage map ➡️ Delivery will be carried out by our own trucks and workers, we do not have
delivery option via courier.
➡️Bulk order (>rm12000) outside our normal area but within Johor can be arranged,
please whatsapp
for enquiry.
➡️Estimated date of delivery after placing order:
‣ 1-2 working days in Skudai/Gelang Patah areas
‣ 2-4 working days in most other areas
‣ Once a week for less visited area e.g. Kangkar Pulai, PTP.
➡️Time of delivery is usually 12pm to 6pm. Please inform us in
you are unable to receive within this time period.
➡️Note that we usually cannot accept special request for:
‣Delivery outside our normal delivery date/time
‣Urgent delivery (e.g. less than 24hr) after placing order.
➡️Due to limited capacity, we do not provide these services:
‣ Auto redelivery of goods that are out of stock or wrongly ordered in
previous deliveries. Please make a new order, which would still be subjected to minimum order amount.
‣ Advanced notice if ordered items are out of stock and automatic
substitution with similar items.
About Payment
➡️ For payment we accept
‣ Bank transfer (Please write companyname or invoice number
Recipient Reference)
‣ MYDebit card / QR Pay / TouchnGo / Duitnow
➡️ We DO NOT accept Cash on delivery, please do
not pay cash to the
➡️ We DO NOT accept Cheque as payment method. If you wish to pay by cheque, please contact us in advance to discuss the terms and conditions of acceptance..
➡️ Please transfer to us after delivery.
➡️ For payment account information please refer to payment detail printed
invoice or sent via our official whatsapp number.
➡️To prevent scam, do not follow other payment account information sent to you
anyone else or listed
Pay only to our Maybank / QR account under the name Lee Hin
Sdn Bhd.
About Halal
We offer these Halal info to the best of our knowledge.
However data might be incomplete and contain errors, there might also have bugs.
As such these information are offered without any warranty of accuracy or
We do not assume responsibility for any inaccuracies or outdated content.
Halal Logo: ➡️For items that we have data, at detail page of each item the Halal
logo, Halal
organisation name and country will be shown.
➡️Item Halal logo category overlay mode: when this mode is switch
on, all item
will be labelled with their Halal logo category.
➡️In overlay mode we categorize Halal Logo to the following groups:
JAKIM Approved
Foreign Halal Logo found in JAKIM approved list
CBLIST17March2023.pdf ‣
Has Cert but no Logo
Producer has halal certification but there is no Halal logo on packaging.
Halal Not Required
Halal Not Required and not applicable due to item being agricultural / unprocessed
Halal Logo that are not found in JAKIM approved list.
No Data
Halal logo data not surveyed yet
No Halal Logo
No Halal logo found on packaging and we do not have any certificate
➡️ For more information on local and foreign Halal, please refer to
Halal Certificate: ➡️For some items we have the Halal certificate in PDF or image file or JAKIM
url format.
➡️However, the certificate is only available to customers who have purchase
the item in recent months.
➡️You can find more detail when you show itemdetail by clicking at the photo of
item and then click on
Info tab.
About Return and Discrepancy
➡️ During receiving you can always reject and return any items
delivered to the driver.
‣ However any items bought in whole carton/bundle
be returned as whole, we cannot accept attempt to open the carton/bundle and return
selected loose items within it.
➡️ Any discrepancy in quantity or physical damage should be
notified to
the driver
during receiving. We usually do not accept discrepancy or damage claim after the
has left
unless sufficient video evidence is provided.
➡️ Any defect or expiry date issue should be notified to us
days of receiving.
➡️ Return of items bought previously will be subjected to the
‣ Items has attribute Returnable: YES (Can be found at detail
photo view of each item) at the time of return. But note that returnable status
change over
‣ There is purchase record of the item from us within last 1
(we usually do not accept return after more than 1 year even if returnable is yes).
‣ We are still carrying that brand/line of items.
‣ If the intended return quantity is too high by either
or as percentage of your purchase record then we need to verify
the producer/distributor first, and the above conditions might not hold.
‣ Some items might have additional requirements by the
➡️About why only some items can be returned: Being just a middle man,
our return policy depends on the return policy of the producer (if locally made) or
importer (if imported from foreign country).
So if the producer/importer can accept return and if other return conditions are met, we
can collect the
return and pass it back to the producer or importer.
But if their return policy is NO return then we are unable to collect or
refund the return.
About Quality Control and SCAR
➡️ As a distributor, Lee Hin Enteprise Sdn Bhd acts as a middleman between manufacturers and our
customers. We understand that quality issues may occasionally arise, and we aim to address them promptly
and effectively. To streamline communication and resolution, we wish to clarify our roles and
responsibilities as a distributor, and how Supplier Corrective Action Reports (SCARs) will be managed
under different circumstances.
➡️ Our Role and Responsibilities ‣ Sourcing Quality Products: Partnering with reputable producers to ensure the
products we distribute meet required quality standards.
‣ Storage and Handling: Maintaining proper storage and handling conditions to
preserve product integrity during distribution.
‣ Facilitating Issue Resolution: Acting as a liaison between our customers and the
manufacturers to address any quality concerns effectively.
➡️ Conditions for Filling the SCAR
To ensure accountability and proper resolution, the responsibility for filling the SCAR will depend on
the root cause of the issue:
‣ When the Issue Originates with Lee Hin Enteprise Sdn Bhd:
- If the root cause of the issue is determined to stem from
distribution, storage, or handling under our care, Lee Hin Enteprise Sdn Bhd will take full
responsibility for completing the SCAR.
‣ When the Issue Originates with the Manufacturer:
- If the issue is clearly attributable to the manufacturing
process (e.g., pollutants within sealed products, production defects), the manufacturer will be
responsible for completing the SCAR.
- Lee Hin Enteprise Sdn Bhd will act as a facilitator, providing
necessary details to the manufacturer and ensuring the report is submitted to the QC department
➡️ Supporting Evidence for Assigning Responsibility
To accurately determine the source of any issue, we will rely on:
‣ Inspection reports or test results provided by your QC department.
‣ Documentation of product conditions upon receipt.
‣ Production batch details and related records.
‣ Sample, image or video record of pollutant if available.
About This Website
➡️This site runs faster and smoother on desktop computer than on handphone.
➡️Some mobile (handphone) default browser might have minor issue esp. when checkout order. In those cases we suggest user use Chrome or Edge browser for ordering.
➡️We develop and program this site ourselves, if you encounter any connection issue or bug please whatsapp us at
Add to existing order Tambah 加货
Depending on the state of processing, addition is not guaranteed to succeed.
Note: Higher Delivery Price
Applicable You have chosen shipping method
Truck Delivery but your chosen/registered price category
does not cover delivery fee. As such we will apply the delivery price category on our site and result in slightly higher prices.
Sorry, our minimum amount for delivery is rm500. The current amount if insufficient for checkout. Please add more items or choose
Collect as shipping method.
Minimum Order Amount:
Sorry, our minimum amount for shipping by courier is rm200. The current amount if insufficient for checkout. Please add more items.
If You Are A New Customer:
- If you have not registered an account with us before. Please send us your SSM
(business registration) and address for registration. For delivery:
- we deliver within only Southern Johor, please check our delivery area (click to
check). For self-collection:
- Address: No 1, Jalan Bistari 2, Taman Industri Jaya, 81300, Johor Bahru, Johor. Google Map
- We open Monday-Friday 8am-5:30pm, Saturday 8am-1pm, Sunday off.
Shipping Address:
Name Address
Postcode Phone number
Currently for courier shipping we only accept payment by QR Pay (Support all major QR
Touch 'n Go, ShopeePay
etc.) To prevent scam, pay only to our QR / Maybank account under the name Lee Hin Enterprise Sdn
Bhd.LEE HIN ENTERPRISE SDN BHDTotal + Shipping: rm
Please send the payment screenshot to us by Whatsapp 60125355537
The prices listed in our price list are indicative and subject to change. The final price at checkout may vary upon invoice finalization due to factors such as the version of the price list used by you different from our latest version, its update status, limitation of our invoicing system, market cost fluctuations, stock availability, and other systematic variables. These factors are highly complex, dynamic, and often beyond our ability to synchronize in real-time..
In the event of a discrepancy between the checkout price and the final invoice price, we regret that we cannot accommodate refund claims for price differences. However, we may accept returns under the following conditions:
At the time of self-collection or delivery: You have the option to reject the goods immediately.
Within 7 days of self-collection or delivery: You may submit a return request. Please note that additional transportation costs incurred will not be covered by us, and we reserve the right to decline such requests.
Send us your order:
Whatsapp order to us
-- Or --
Or copy your order as plain text and then paste it into your email or message apps then
to us
-- Or --
Save your order and send us the Order Number
Send us your order:
Whatsapp order to us
(Note: The use of Whatsapp is necessary to facilitate payment and support after ordering.)